Monday 26 December 2016

Task 3c Sources of information

Throughout my Professional Practice i use different sources to gather knowledge and information from the following:-

1. Search Engine 
Firstly  every time i go online i always like to open up Google as i think its the easiest and quickest way to find the information you are looking for, as it  refers you to  the knowledge of  the key word you have put into the google search bar.

As the key word brings up a wide range of websites it enables me to have a broadened knowledge of the subject.This refers to my professional practice as the other day i was creating a lesson plan behind Matilda the musical and i did some in depth research into this musical and i used google as the search engine to develop my knowledge.
2.Social Media 

Social Media is a big part of my professional networking the little widgets always appear on websites  for you to share the information to a larger audience on  your own social networking sites to create a larger awareness.

 The new job that i am starting  in January  have spoken in depth about using social media sharing the children's work on the school website ,video sharing websites and their Facebook page. this shows that schools are wanting the larger audience see what the children are achieving !

In addition to this using social media its a great way to find out about dance courses, jobs, and form larger networks with professionals in the performing arts/dance sector.

3. Performing Arts/ Dance professionals 

By speaking to Performing arts and Dance Professionals that have had many years experience in the industry they are able to guide me in the correct direction in what i want to achieve in a certain area of the industry . By gaining good relationships with performing arts / dance  professionals they can recommend you for work to clients and also give you contacts for work and qualifications. The information and knowledge they offer is certainly infomation to take on board for the future for your career.

4.Books Articles and Google Scholar 

In my professional Practice i not only use the online way to find information regarding the subject but also I research through books and articles regarding the subject this is a frequent occurrence in my professional practice when i start my planning regarding lesson plans and selecting specific subjects suitability for the children.

5.Films and Documentaries 

If I am studying a subject that i am not too sure about i like to look at films and documentaries  regarding the specific subject as i believe that it enables me to write down some notes about the film / documentary  and it gives me a base to the subject. for example I watched a film 'George Balanchine’s Jewels' to enable me to have a greater understanding of  the specific characteristics of George Balanchine style for my professional practice it enabled me to broaden my subject knowledge.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Task 3a Current networks

Before starting this task i never realised how many different networks that i was part of so I have created a bit of a spider diagram showing all my different networks in my professional practice.

In my professional practice i use a lot of face to face networking through going to schools and through my teacher training course.In addition I  also use the use of online communication as well as Linkedn , google+, Facebook... Without the development of 2.0 the use of networking online would be no existent.

Its important for myself that i keep developing my professional practice through face to face  conversations and also online connections  to broaden my network as its important to professional network and build a good reputation and business relationship for myself with clients.

In the near future i would like to develop my ISTD teaching  network into a larger scale once qualified ,the ISTD have an online website which enables companies that  are looking for a dance teacher in the local area search their details and qualifications and contact them if they are interested in their skill base to become a teacher at the school. I think this is an excellent online network platform for employment.

I believe that its important to keep professional and personal networks separate as its never a good idea to mix these 2 thoughts together .Both of these networks are very important in life and they are just as important as each other.

Friday 18 November 2016

Task 2D: Inquiry

What in your daily practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about? Who do you admire who also works with what makes you enthusiastic? 

There are many things in my daily practice that gets me enthusiastic, I am currently studying ISTD Teaching course  and I am loving  looking at the anatomy of the body  and how does brain develop through the years from learning dance and  in addition how does the fundamental movement  development differ from children taking dance lessons to the children who dont. I would love to find out more about these topic as it intrigues me.

I admire many people through my life so far including teachers who have taught me dance, family and friends they give me inspiration to achieve in life and never give up on my dreams.  

What gets you angry or makes you sad?  Who do you admire who shares your feelings or has found away to work around the sadness or anger?

I admit i am a bit of a thinker i think about somethings into too much detail and i always doubt myself! By thinking into too much detail about something does make me feel sad as i doubt my thoughts.
Some of the schools i work in children suffer with anger and emotional difficulties and have so many thoughts going through their minds where they are worrying about something. It puts doubting myself and thinking into too much detail  in a different level as these children are only in school and are young and shouldn't have to worry about anything. I try to help these children express themselves and put positive thoughts through their mind. I know if i do need to express myself in any way i know i have got my family here to support me.

What do you love about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love?

What i love doing in my Professional Practice is giving children an insight into dance and i am able to show and deliver passion into this subject. I love to see every child having a go! I would love to develop dance further into primary school as i believe that also it helps SEN children develop and able to be creative.

What do you feel you don’t understand?  Who do you admire who does seem to understand it or who has found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you? 

I dont understand many aspects of life and the current world we live in including gun crime , violence, Education changes every year, is it always for the better and why ? Whats going to happen to Brexit ? I think no one could answer all the question and give a fully detailed explanation to these questions, and some aspects  will never stop like gun crime and violence.Imagine the world without these aspects, what a different world we would live in !

How do you decide the appropriate ethical response in a given situation? To what extent are disciplinary responses different to that you might expect more generally in society? For example, what level of physical contact would you deem appropriate (and not) from another professional that you would find unacceptable more generally? Why? 

Ethical response is a difficult area to apply yourself to and it would also depend on what environment i was in my, if i was with young children my response would be different compared to if i was surrounded by my friends and family.

I think the word physical contact in a dance environment is a normal aspect of dancing and learning  as your teacher adjusts your movement/placement to make it right . but i think if you had an office job i dont think this would be appropriate.

2c:- Reflective Theory

Every bodies idea of reflection is different as everybody reflects differently. I reflect best when I have been through a certain experience once the experience is complete I think about the outcomes of the experience and think mindfully about  the following :- 

Was it a good or a bad experience?

What could I do to make the experience better?

Has the experience made me a better person overall?

Most of the time I keep my thoughts to myself and dont express my emotions, but sometimes everyone needs to express their emotions, emotions are a big indicator to how we can show if an experience went according to plan or not.

When researching about the word 'Reflection' there are many meanings to this work the phrase by using the 'Free Dictionary Online' .

 '3b. A thought or an opinion resulting from such thinking or consideration'

This Phrase relates to reflection the best for me because once I have reflected on the experience I have a final thoughts and opinions on how I believed the experience went by analysing and reflecting on my teaching.

Views Of Dewey  

Referring to the quote above it is clear that Dewey believes that we learn best once we have completed the task and then to  reflect on the experience. I use this  technique at the end of my lessons once completed the lesson in school , I ask the children to reflect on their learning ,what have they gained from today's lesson ? what can they improve on next time ?...

I found the above  website really useful when researching into Dewey it explained some really important facts relating to Dewey including  :-

'Dewey Had a Child Centred approach to education and emphasised the learning needs and interests of the children'

He also liked the use Interdisciplinary- connecting multiple subjects together, I use this technique with regards to topics within Dance. Today I was teaching a year 5 class and they have been reading/ studying  the Roal Dahl book of Matilda in English so I decide to cross curricular the 2 subjects of Dance and English together and  as a class they learnt a section of  the Royal Shakespeare Company dance of  'Revolting Children'.

'experience arises from the interaction of two principles -- continuity and interaction.  Continuity is that each experience a person has will influence his/her future, for better or for worse.  Interaction refers to the situational influence on one's experience.  In other words, one's present experience is a function of the interaction between one's past experiences and the present situation.  For example, my experience of a lesson, will depend on how the teacher arranges and facilitates the lesson, as well my past experience of similar lessons and teachers.'

Overall evaluating on Deweys Theory- I believe the more experiences we experience through our lives, and the more we evaluate on the finding from the experience, we will be able to guide ourselves through life in our chosen direction. Through experience we face we are still learning , learning and evaluating  never stop through our lives. 

Views of Kolb 

As a Dance teacher in primary schools I always plan my lessons what I  am going to deliver through the half term in a certain topic. I always set aims and expectations for the Higher, Middle and lower ability  (All, Most ,Some)  this enables me to have an understanding on what is going to be achieved by the children at  the end of  each lesson and end of the half term. I can refer at Kolbs learning cycle as I always start at 'Active Experimentation.'  

Each Lesson I teach I believe that I go through each stage of Kolbs Learning Cycle. I think the most important section out of this theory is 'Abstract Conceptualisation' because I wont reach the learning outcomes at the end of the term if this isn't followed through.This enables me to edit the next lesson if we haven't  achieved a certain area from the lesson.

I can see how Kolbs theory is a great way to reflect on 'experience'

Views Of Moon

Jenny Moon is best known for her contribution to Journal Writing. Through my Education at Hammond we used the use of Journal writing to reflect on our week/lesson I liked how I could  put thoughts  to paper and reflect on my week/ lesson in a thoughtful mindful way reflecting in peace. When writing my journal through section 2b I used Moons techniques to create a detailed Reflective Journal.

Views of Schon

Schon theory relating to Reflecting In Action and Refection On Action, I can relate sometimes to this when  teaching a lesson. Sometimes things dont go to plan so I  have to change the aspect of the lesson on the spot incorporating different learning methods for example Gardeners techniques. This shows I  am thinking ahead and not wasting children's learning time. Once finished the lesson I will then reflect on why my planned lesson didn't work. Sometimes it  can relate to the learning methods i used as each child is different and everyone learns using different methods, or sometimes the children need more help of understanding the topic or  learning outcomes of the lesson so the lessons are slowed down to make sure  learning outcomes are achieved which may relate to another lesson on the same topic/ technique of dance.

I have have loved reading into the different practitioners and their reflective methods hope you enjoy reading my blog!

Sunday 13 November 2016

Task 2B: Reflective Writing

Task 2B of Module 1 of the BAPP Course helps you develop your knowledge and understanding of the Reid and Moon reflection framework.So I  have began using a journal to reflect on my day to day Professional Practice. I have made sure when writing my journal that there is no confidential matters included.

When reading through my journal I can see that I have used the following techniques :-

Description-whats event/events happened throughout my day including where and when.

Initial Reflection-How did i feel about the event?, What was i thinking? What was my mood?

Evaluation- What did i think went well? worked well? did you learn or discover anything?

These techniques I believe help me to  reflect my best when trying to express myself. I feel that using Another view, Graphs /Charts and What If wouldnt benefit or help me to reflect any better and wouldn't come naturally to me.

Here is an extract from my Journal:

"... Today we couldn't do dance in the school hall as it is been resurfaced so we ended up having a dance lesson in the classroom.Reception love the website Go Noodle which is a Physical  Active Website for children it  has many activities like Zumba Kids and Relaxation on there...

Reception get that excited that they all push right to the front of the screen to the point where there isn't even enough room for them to do the activities.I think this lesson was successful even if we were in the classroom but  all the children all had smiles on there faces and were all joining in ,in an active  way ,even if we did have a  limited amount of space. If the children are happy and enjoying themselves then  I am happy.

I believe I chose activities for the children that were  age related, have messages to the activities ' Be Kind' which all helps the development of children understanding whats right and wrong. From today lesson I learnt that the children love the activities that were animated such as the Trolls where they could dance with the trolls on the screen, this is defiantly popular as its in the cinemas at the moment..."

Wednesday 2 November 2016

What kind of learner am I ?

As a child i couldn't sit still in lesson, i always wanted to be active, makes sense why i was engaged in dance lessons, i enjoyed learning in a physical active way. instead of sitting in a classroom lessons which were never taught in a physical way. 

Since teaching in primary schools i have learnt so much about learning styles for children  just by observing lessons, for example maths isn't always taught in the classroom for example maths is taught on the playground with number ladders painted on the playground this  allows the children to learn their times tables in a active way. Times Tables are an important part of primary school maths and  it is nice to see different learning methods been used as every child learns in a different way!

In each school i go to there is varied abilities and i use as many different teaching methods i possibly can and also cross curricular the topics with what they are studying in certain lessons for example The Romans in history. 

The teaching  methods i use in lessons are :

Kinesthetic - children learn by doing the movement 

Visual - watch the movement and then able to perform the move 

Auditory - listening to what i am describing about a movement and transfer the words into the correct movement .

Reflection- children reflect on what they have learnt throughout the lesson and also reflect on a performance that they might of just watched.

I decided to a have a go at a  Honey and Mumford learning type quiz as i was intrigued to see what kind of learner i have grown up to be.

I am a a mix between an activist and a theorist. 

I think the questionnaire is pretty correct i do learn better in a more physical way such as dance, role play ,brainstorming ideas and group work. In addition, i do believe i have the learning qualities of a theorist because i like to have a lot of background informationin a subject , Furthermore i think mentally in logical manner when learning new information or when creating suitable lesson plans for the children. 

Comments on this topic would be mostly appreciated if you have any other ideas regarding learning methods would be appreciated for children !

Task 2a: Reflective Practice

Task 2a of Module 1 of the Professional Practice course begins to make me explore my own thoughts in the content of a journal. I have decided to do a day to day diary entry on my thoughts in  my Professional Practice as I believe that  this is the best way for me to gather my thoughts together as no day is the same for me. Also  from seeing my  thoughts written down in front of me will help me to reflect on my day.Was i happy with what i have delivered ? Did the children understand the aims of the lesson ?...

I have never considered  a diary entry to write down my thoughts and feeling before,  throughout my time at The  Hammond, i used a weekly reflection sheet to explain what we have done throughout the week including corrections and focus areas of  dance i have worked on.I found writing down corrections made me think about the specific correction in more detail and i could go back  and reflect on my learning.

There is an assumption for many people that thinking and writing are linked: “Writing is a means of puzzling through what is happening in our work and our personal lives…” Boud (2001). I  believe that this is realistic quote referring to my day to day dairy entry in which my thoughts and feelings are expressed through my work and personal life.

Throughout section 2 of module 1  i am going too look further into reflective practice and also look at different practitioners on how they relate to me.

Sunday 16 October 2016

1c Audio visual

When reading the module handbook for the first time to see that we had to produce a Audio Visual and upload it to YouTube i was very nervous about this task as i had never uploaded a video to YouTube.

YouTube has been around since 2005 and was developed by 3 formal pay pal employers with just over a year later was sold to google . YouTube has been revelation to the World Wide Web with over a billion users either  uploading creative videos, liking, commenting and watching the creations of other users.

I use YouTube  on a day to day basis it is a significant part to the performing arts industry, allows performers and students to upload show reels to allow casting agent/directors to see their works quickly and efficiently. The  ability for users  to watch  famous dance companies in rehearsal and performances , for example if you type in 'world ballet day' you are able to watch ballet companies in rehearsal  from around the world,  you wouldn't have the opportunity to watch this  without video sharing websites like YouTube. Opportunities to be able to watch videos like ballet companies performances and classes is very inspiring to young children when teaching dance as they have something to aspire too.

In addition to showreels you are able to have an insight into world famous  ballet / dance companies from around the world. Companies  upload videos in rehearsals and performances onto youtube this allows users to have the opportunity to have an insight into dance companies and allows people to have an aim to aspire to . This relates to my professional Practice as i believe children love to have someone to look upto and it gives them a drive to achieve their dream !

I was very unsure how to go about this task so i decided to type in YouTube 'BAPP' videos of this task appeared and i viewed other previous students videos to help me with the task. Everyone interpreted this task in a different way which was really interesting to see. This is one of my favourites i watched I liked how Alana used the visual of words through the Audio Visual .

I have decided to base my video on what i hope to achieve from this course and what i would like to do with my career in the near future. I have gone about this task in a formal way i wrote down my ideas which i hope to include in my Audio Visual and practised speaking out loud, Even though going to a performing arts school and appeared in shows which i had speaking roles in, speaking out loud  has always been a difficult and nerve racking skill for me from a young age.

I have edited my video on YouTube video editor, this enabled me to use different tools  that YouTube has on offer which i never realised before. By using the different tools this made my Audio  Visual video my pleasing to the eye than the video i was originally going to upload  onto  YouTube. 

Here is my Audio Visual that i have produced with  lots of practising throughout the past few days. I am happy with what i have produced for my first video creation and upload onto YouTube for the big wide world to view !

please feel free to comment on your views .

Eleanor Duignan 

Saturday 8 October 2016

1d: 2d image

Over the last few evenings i have been researching into image sharing websites, i currently use Instagram for social interest and i have decided to use Flickr for professional work based photos.  This means i wont  have a clash of social and work based photos on one photo sharing website.

Before setting up my Flickr page i did a bit of research into the website as i had heard of it in the great vine but never had actually thought of using it as a photos sharing website in a professional way.

After looking on the "About Flickr Page " on their website i found out what the goals of the website was when it was set up in 2004:-


We want to help people make their photos available to the people who matter to them.


We want to enable new ways of organising photos and video

Flickr relates to professional communication as it is a user generated programme incorporating the  like button, commenting and sharing pictures onto other social networking sites. If the website didn't have users sharing and storing photos on the website it would be none existent.

How can Flickr help my professional Practice ?

1. Upload photos of my dance portfolio, by having a link on my cv digitally  this will help viewing my photos easy with a click of a button they are on my Flickr page.

2.Take photos and videos of choreography that i have created /choreographed.

3. A way i can advertise my work to other working professions not only in England but further afield

4. Advertise new work/scheme through photo form as Flickr has different groups for interests.
This is my Flickr account that i have created and imported photos of my dance portfolio, i will add more photos relating to my professional practice as i go through the course.

After creating and researching Flickr, it got me thinking:-
what is next for Flickr ?
Hows it going to develop as the Web develops ?
Will people still use Flickr in the near future or will another photo sharing website appear which will become more popular ?

Your views on how i can develop my page would be helpful, as i am new to the concept of Flickr.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

1b: Professional communication technologies

Working in Primary Schools as a Dance teacher I use web 2.0 practically every hour of the day without realising it ! From social networking, emailing ,online banking and using google as a search engine I use Social Media on a day to day basis because i want to inspire and be a good role model to the children i teach. Each lesson i teach i give a "dancer of the week" certificate out to a child who have either tried really hard, achieved something they have been working for a while or maybe something like helping each other, cross curricular the subject with "British vales" which children learn as soon as they start school. I take a photo of the child with the certificate and with photo consent i place the photo on the school achievers wall for PE and also sometime place a photo of the child with the  certificate on the Facebook company page. I believe that this doesn't just highlight the child's achievement but also advertises the work that i do and makes an awareness of the positive impact that my work is having with children and inspiring the future of the arts starting from a young age !  

What is Web 1.0

"What is Web 1.0?" google replies with " Web 1.0 refers to the first stage in the World Wide Web, which was entirely made up of Web pages connected by is generally believed to refer to the Web when it was a set of static websites that were not yet providing interactive content"

Web 1.0Web 2.0
DoubleClick-->Google AdSense
Britannica Online-->Wikipedia
personal websites-->blogging
evite--> and EVDB
domain name speculation-->search engine optimization
page views-->cost per click
screen scraping-->web services
content management systems-->wikis
directories (taxonomy)-->tagging ("folksonomy")

What is Web 2.0?

"What is Web 2.0?" google replies with" the second stage of development of the Internet, characterised especially by the change from static web pages to dynamic or user-generated content and the growth of social media"

I believe this means that when 1.0 was in action you couldn't interact on websites editing and comment. Whereas 2.0 allows users to interact with each other by commenting, editing and allowing a more social independence on the  World Wide Web. 


How has Web 2.0 impacted our lives? 

Web 2.0 has impacted our lives  dramatically from the way that we use technology in a day to day life. We no longer have to go to the library and spend numerous hours in search of a book for our information. Google is the answer within a few seconds the information is right in front of our eyes.With friends and family around the world it is easier than ever to contact them through social networking sites and get replies back from then in minutes. Newspapers online also have social interaction by having comment boxes under the article this allows viewers to express there opinions of the article they have read and also interaction between users.

Disadvantages to Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 has many benefits to our lives but it also does have its disadvantages with Web 2.0 allows users to broadcast their views, not everyone behaves themselves online with regards the content and media posting which is a cause of cyber bullying which is a big issue with youngsters 'with 68% of teens agree cyber bullying  is a serious problem" Its very easy for people to make fake profiles on social networking sites and Copying of profile picture.In addition to Cyber bullying, there is always the concern of how much personal information we should share to the world wide web as such  checking into your own home on Facebook and also checking into the airport all good for friends and family to know but you are advertising the thieves firstly where you live and secondly that you wont be at home as you are on holiday. 

What affect does web 2.0 have on the arts industry?

Web 2.0 is a significant part to employment these days as there is the opportunity to broadcast your cv onto a site for artists called Spotlight which is view able to casting directors. Secondly the WWW is everywhere from our phones to computers to tablets, it doesn't matter whereabouts you are you could never miss out on the opportunity of an audition. 

For dance teachers/ dancers there are numerous pages set up on Facebook called "The Hustle and Dance Teacher Jobs UK which broadcasts jobs available around the UK so again you could possibly never miss out on any opportunity that could be the right opportunity for you!

Web 2.0 is a great way to significantly build growth in business and career aspects for the dance industry.

Saturday 1 October 2016

1a: Professional profile

From the age of 16 I was sending CV's off to local companies in regards to part time work.I was lucky enough to gain myself a Saturday job in a local restaurant, which was very daunting at first. From pouring wine,working the tills ,dealing with food orders and most importantly dealing with customers. Since the first day of employment my CV has been adjusted accordingly with performances, qualification, work experience and general manoeuvring of layout of my CV throughout the years .

For privacy reasons on my blog i am not going to include the following information but if i was to apply for a job i would include the following address, email and contact details 

During my time training at The Hammond we spent a considerable amount of time in our IPS lessons on how to layout a professional CV/Profile for employers and casting directors to view as first impressions count!

When i send off a job application i usually send off 2 CV's depending on the job specification, an academic CV and a dance CV. I am considering combining the 2 CVs together .Does anyone have any opinions on this ? Any feedback would be most appreciated 

Academic Curriculum Vitae 

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Eleanor Duignan

Driving License: Full and Clean


Key Attributes

I am a very enthusiastic and motivated undergraduate who thrives to learn new skills, I am very confident in communicating and working alongside other team members in a professional and appropriate manner, having the main focus of customer satisfaction and providing an attentive service. These attributes are proved whilst working with in a customer related environment. I always fulfill my role to the best of my ability as an individual and a valuable team member.


The Hammond School: Trinity College London Level 6 Diploma in Professional Dance & Michael King Pilates Qualification Mat work Level 1  
September 2012-July 2015.

Dance has always been in my life from a young age taking part in competitions and part of the Royal Ballet Associate from the age of 8-15. When I was in my last year of high school I started auditioning for full time Dance schools and I was lucky enough to be accepted at Hammond and awarded a Dance and Drama Award. This meant I had to move away from home at 16 for 3 years and live with a family in Chester which made me very independent and became more mature. Over the 3 years I have performed in many showcase shows in Chester, Manchester and London.

    The Friary School, Lichfield: 10 GCSE’S Grade C and above including English Literature & Language, Mathematics, Science Core & Additional, History, Music, Physical Education, Performing Arts  and IT .
September 2007-July 2012

Work Experience

Current - Progressive Sports Dance /Gymnastics Teacher &Pauline Quirke Poppets Teacher
January 2013-Present: The Winehouse & The Trooper
2 weeks Work Experience at Birmingham Royal Ballet & Glynwood Insurance

Reference upon Request 

Dance Curriculum Vitae

Eleanor Duignan
Height: 5ft 3
Dress Size: 6-8      
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Vocal range: b3-b5

Professional Experience
2015      La bayadere                                          The Hammond
2015      Hammond Graduate Showcase           The Hammond , Lowry Manchester &The Shaw Theatre London
2014      Giselle                                                   The Hammond
2014      Dance Triple Bill                                    The Hammond
2013      Plymouth Town                                      The Royal Northern College of Music
2013      Dance Triple Bill                                     The Hammond

Training & Workshops
2012-2015                                                                       The Hammond, Diploma in Professional Dance 
2015                                                                                 Ballet workshop with Irek Mukhamedov
2015                                                                                 Acting and Vocal workshop with James Pearson
2012                                                                                 Ballet workshop with Irek Mukhamedov
2012                                                                                 Vocal workshop with Rosemary Ashe
2006-2012                                                                        Livingston Academy of Dance and Drama
2005-2010                                                                        Junior and Mid associate at The Royal Ballet
Ballet, Pas de deux, Pointe Work, Corps de Ballet Jazz, Luigi Technique, Double work,  Contemporary, Tap

Additional: UK passport, full clean driving licence, Michael King Pilates Qualification, Grade 6 Flute



Tuesday 27 September 2016

The Blogging Adventure Begins!

Hello Everyone!

Blogging is a whole new experience for myself, still trying to get my head round how it all works but i am sure that i'll get there eventually as i progress further into the course of BAPP.

I am 20 years old and in July 2015, I graduated The Hammond, Chester with my Level 6 Trinity  Diploma in Professional Dance. From a young age  Dance has been a substantial part of my life, turning a hobby into an  profession. Dance is such a unique and creative sector to be part of from the astonishing creations of movement in contemporary to the complexity of precision in Ballet. 

Whilst i was training at The Hammond i was trying to figure out which route to go down performing or teaching. After a roller coaster ride in 3rd year with illness and operations needed in the near future  i thought the teaching route would be the best route and i haven't looked back since on my decision.

Along side the BAPP course I am also studying my teaching exams in ISTD Ballet, Modern Theatre and Tap (DDI) .

Furthermore to the courses i am studying i am also teaching Dance in Primary Schools in the local area which is extremely rewarding but  also challenging on a day to day basis!

Once completed the BAPP i hope i can inspire many more children in dance /performing arts by creating my own company educating and delivering dance to children inspiring them to take the ladder into the arts sector.

I look forward to sharing my findings with you and hearing your views of my findings into this very exciting adventure of the BA Professional Practice Course !