Sunday 13 November 2016

Task 2B: Reflective Writing

Task 2B of Module 1 of the BAPP Course helps you develop your knowledge and understanding of the Reid and Moon reflection framework.So I  have began using a journal to reflect on my day to day Professional Practice. I have made sure when writing my journal that there is no confidential matters included.

When reading through my journal I can see that I have used the following techniques :-

Description-whats event/events happened throughout my day including where and when.

Initial Reflection-How did i feel about the event?, What was i thinking? What was my mood?

Evaluation- What did i think went well? worked well? did you learn or discover anything?

These techniques I believe help me to  reflect my best when trying to express myself. I feel that using Another view, Graphs /Charts and What If wouldnt benefit or help me to reflect any better and wouldn't come naturally to me.

Here is an extract from my Journal:

"... Today we couldn't do dance in the school hall as it is been resurfaced so we ended up having a dance lesson in the classroom.Reception love the website Go Noodle which is a Physical  Active Website for children it  has many activities like Zumba Kids and Relaxation on there...

Reception get that excited that they all push right to the front of the screen to the point where there isn't even enough room for them to do the activities.I think this lesson was successful even if we were in the classroom but  all the children all had smiles on there faces and were all joining in ,in an active  way ,even if we did have a  limited amount of space. If the children are happy and enjoying themselves then  I am happy.

I believe I chose activities for the children that were  age related, have messages to the activities ' Be Kind' which all helps the development of children understanding whats right and wrong. From today lesson I learnt that the children love the activities that were animated such as the Trolls where they could dance with the trolls on the screen, this is defiantly popular as its in the cinemas at the moment..."

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