Wednesday 2 November 2016

What kind of learner am I ?

As a child i couldn't sit still in lesson, i always wanted to be active, makes sense why i was engaged in dance lessons, i enjoyed learning in a physical active way. instead of sitting in a classroom lessons which were never taught in a physical way. 

Since teaching in primary schools i have learnt so much about learning styles for children  just by observing lessons, for example maths isn't always taught in the classroom for example maths is taught on the playground with number ladders painted on the playground this  allows the children to learn their times tables in a active way. Times Tables are an important part of primary school maths and  it is nice to see different learning methods been used as every child learns in a different way!

In each school i go to there is varied abilities and i use as many different teaching methods i possibly can and also cross curricular the topics with what they are studying in certain lessons for example The Romans in history. 

The teaching  methods i use in lessons are :

Kinesthetic - children learn by doing the movement 

Visual - watch the movement and then able to perform the move 

Auditory - listening to what i am describing about a movement and transfer the words into the correct movement .

Reflection- children reflect on what they have learnt throughout the lesson and also reflect on a performance that they might of just watched.

I decided to a have a go at a  Honey and Mumford learning type quiz as i was intrigued to see what kind of learner i have grown up to be.

I am a a mix between an activist and a theorist. 

I think the questionnaire is pretty correct i do learn better in a more physical way such as dance, role play ,brainstorming ideas and group work. In addition, i do believe i have the learning qualities of a theorist because i like to have a lot of background informationin a subject , Furthermore i think mentally in logical manner when learning new information or when creating suitable lesson plans for the children. 

Comments on this topic would be mostly appreciated if you have any other ideas regarding learning methods would be appreciated for children !

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